
... for openness and credibility....

The Academic Committee for AIIASC 2019 invites papers on the theme: Ascending India: Reflections on Global and Regional Dimensions

Some of the panel themes for the Convention are as follows:

01. India’s approaches to power in IR and the International System 
02. The sources and watersheds in India’s foreign policy 
03. International Law and India as a Responsible Power
04. India’s opportunities and challenges in the post-Cold War world 
05. Indian State and globalization; India and the United States 
06. India and China; How does Pakistan matter to ascending India? 
07. The perspectives of South Asian neighbours on ascending India 
08. India and Russia/Eurasia 
09. India and European Union before and after Brexit 
10. India and Africa: Security and Economic Cooperation
11. India and Central Asia
12. India and the Middle East


For More Details :

Last date : 19 September 2018