
... for openness and credibility....

Tel Aviv University invites you to its Annual Conference, 2021 on The Americanization of the Israeli Right” 


Time and date: Thursday, June 17th, 16:00-20:00 

The event will take place at Tel Aviv University, Naftali Building, Room 001 


The proceedings will also be streamed on zoom: and broadcast live on the Center’s Facebook page:


The conference is open to the public, but in order to attend in-person you must RSVP in advance:  




Prof. Milette Shamir | Vice President of Tel Aviv University

Prof. Itai Sened | Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Scholarship Award Ceremony

Dr. Anat Lapidot-Firilla | Executive Director, United States-Israel Educational Foundation, Fulbright Israel 


Opening Remarks 

Dr. Yoav Fromer | Tel Aviv University 

Opening Plenary Address  

Prof. Oz Frankel | New School for Social Research  

"Shlomo Lahat's First Mayoral Run and the Commodification of Israeli Politics" (in English)  

First Session | 17:00-18:30 

Panel Discussion #1 | Neoconservatism 

To view on zoom: 

Naftali 001 

Panel Chair: Prof. Guy Ben-Porat | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

Prof. Ilan Peleg | Lafayette College 

“American Neoconservatism and Israeli Neo-Revisionism: The Ideological and Political Ties, Revealed and Hidden" 

Prof. Adam Fuller | Youngstown State University 

“Helping Our Friends and Harming Our Enemies: Israel and American Conservatism”  (in English)  

Dr. Gayle Talshir | Hebrew University 

“Deep State Argument and Outright Right Government: The Israeli Right Between Neoconservative Populism and National Liberalism”  

Yitzhak Mor | Hebrew University 

“Creating (Red), White and Blue: Translation and Localization in ‘Israeli Conservatism’” 

Panel Discussion #2 | Civil Society, Philanthropy, Intellectuals and the New Right 

To view on zoom: 

Naftali 103 

Panel ChairDr. Sarit Ben Simchon-Peleg | Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research 

Hayim KatsmanUniversity of Washington 

“Israeli Conservatism: Religious Zionism and the Struggle over Hegemony” 

Shir Nitzan | Hebrew University 

“Israeli Conservatism: An Intellectual Movement” 

Amir Segal and Dr. Itay Greenspan | Hebrew University  

“The role of North American Conservative Philanthropy on the Development of Israeli Rightwing Civil Society” 

Prof. Yoav Peled | Tel Aviv University 

“Made in the USA: The Populist Credo of Hazony and Taub” 

Second Session | 18:30-19:30 

Panel discussion #3 | Economy, Society and Law 

To view on zoom: 

Naftali 001 

Panel Chair: Dr. Udi Sommer | Tel Aviv University 

Rafi Reznik | Georgetown University 

“Conservative Judicial Interpretation in the Age of Americanization of the Israeli Right” 

Dr. Ben Zion Telefus | Independent Researcher  

“The American Right and its Intellectual Influence on the Cannabis Legalization Discourse in Israel” 

Rami Hod | Berl Katznelson Center 

“The Rise of the New Right in Israel - the Americanization of Political Strategy?” 

Panel Discussion #4 | Allies? The Religious Right in Israel and the United States 

To view on Zoom: 

Naftali 103

The entire panel will be in English  

Panel Chair: Dr. Julie Cooper | Tel Aviv University  

Prof. David Tal | University of Sussex  

The Sleeping Giant of Christian Zionism has awakened”

Dr. Sarah Yael Hirschhorn | Northwestern Universi 

“City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement” 

Dr. Motti Inbari and Dr. Kirill Bumin | University of North Carolina at Pembroke 

Christian Zionism in the Twenty-First Century: Evangelical Public Opinion on Israel” 

Closing Plenary Address | 19:30-20:00 

To view on zoom: 

Naftali 001 

Prof. Yossi Shain | Tel Aviv University 

“The ‘Israelization’ of American Politics” 

Unless stated otherwise next to the title, the proceedings, presentations and panel discussions will be in Hebrew