
... for openness and credibility....

1. Prime Minister greets Bahraini counterpart on National Day
Islamabad, Sunday, 16 December 2012
Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has extended his warm felicitations and good wishes to Prime Minister of the Bahrain Shaikh Bin Salman Al Khalifa on their National Day falling on December 16.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

2. Ambassador of Bahrain hosts reception to mark national day
Islamabad, Sunday, 16 December 2012
Ambassador of Bahrain to Islamabad Mohamed Ebrahim Mohamed Abdulqader hosted a reception on the occasion of the national day of his country.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

3. Palestinian envoy presents credentials to President Zardari
Karachi, Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Ambassador-designate of the State of Palestine Walid Abu Ali presented his credentials to President Asif Ali Zardari at a ceremony held at the Governor House on Tuesday.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

4. President reiterates unqualified support for Palestinian cause
Karachi, Tuesday, 25 December 2012
President Asif Ali Zardari has reiterated unqualified support for the Palestinian cause till the achievement of their right to self-determination while celebrating the achievement of the non-member Observer State status to the Palestine in the United Nations. The President also declared Pakistan’s support for the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

5. PM attends Qatar’s national day reception
Islamabad, Thursday, 6 December 2012

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf attended the National day reception of Qatar and congratulated the people and the leadership of the country on this auspicious occasion.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

6. Iranian parliamentary delegation calls on Governor Sindh
Karachi, Sunday, 2 December 2012

An Iranian parliamentary delegation led by Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, called on Sindh Governor, Ishrat ul Ebad Khan, where the latter spoke of the deep friendly ties between the two countries.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

7. Dr. Asim Hussain calls on the Iranian President
Islamabad, Monday, 3 December 2012
Advisor to the Prime Minister on Petroleum and Natural Resources Asim Hussain called on the Iranian President Ahmadinejad and discussed bilateral relations including Pak-Iran gas pipe line project.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

8. Pakistan, Iran to further enhance mutual cooperation
Islamabad, Monday, 3 December 2012
The Parliamentary Defence Committees of Pakistan and Iran have agreed to enhance mutual consultation and cooperation in the context of changes in the region, particularly gas pipeline, Afghanistan, Muslim unity and the Iran nuclear programme.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

9. Pakistan and Iran enjoy close and brotherly relations: PM
Islamabad, Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf Tuesday said Pakistan and Iran enjoy close and brotherly relations which are rooted in historical, cultural and religious commonalities in a meeting with Iranian Parliamentary delegation led by Chairman Standing Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy of Majlis.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

10. Samsam for increasing cultural exchanges with Iran
Islamabad, Friday, 7 December 2012
Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Samsam Ali Bukhari has urged the need for increasing cultural exchanges between Pakistan and Iran and suggested that Persian should be included as a subject in the Pakistani universities and Urdu in the syllabus of the Iranian universities.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

11. Iran invites Dr Firdous for international health conference
Islamabad, Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Federal Minister for National Regulations and Services, Firdous Ashiq Awan was called on by Iranian Charge D’ Affairs H.E  Hossein Ravesh to International Health Tourism Conference scheduled on December 18 to 19, 2012 at Mashad, Iran.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

12. Iran slams attack on Pakistani pilgrims
Islamabad, Monday, 31 December 2012
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has slammed a recent terrorist attack on Pakistani pilgrims in Pakistan’s south-western province of Baluchistan on Sunday where at least 19 people were killed when a bomb ripped through a convoy of three buses carrying Shia pilgrims in the Mastung district, some 30 kilometres (18 miles) south of Quetta in the Baluchistan province. A senior government official in Quetta said the buses were carrying some 180 Shia pilgrims, who were on their way to Iran.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

13. FM to visit Saudi Arabia next month
Islamabad, Thursday, 27 December 2012
Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar will visit Saudi Arabia on the 1st of next month on the invitation of Saudi Foreign Minister.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

14. Pakistan withdraws diplomatic staff from Syria
Islamabad, Thursday, 13 December 2012
Pakistan has withdrawn its diplomatic staff including the ambassador from Syria due to deteriorating situation in the country.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

15. Pakistani Parliamentary delegation meets with Turkish counterparts
Islamabad, Thursday, 6 December 2012
A parliamentary delegation from Pakistan led by Senator Haji Muhammad Adeel, Chairman of Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kashmir & Gilgit-Baltistan held a meeting with the Chairman of Foreign Affairs Commission of Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) Volkan Bozkir.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

16. Pak senators meet Turkish President, Speaker
Islamabad, Thursday, 6 December 2012
A four-member delegation of senators from Pakistan discussed global and regional matters with Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Ankara where Cyprus issue, Kashmir issue and bilateral economic and commercial issues were discussed.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

17. Pak senators discuss strengthening of defence with Turkish body chief
Islamabad, Friday, 7 December 2012
A four-member delegation of senators from Pakistan met with Chairman of National Defence Committee of Turkish Grand National Assembly Oguz Kagan Koksal and discussed various proposals to further strengthen Pak-Turkish relations. Sehar Kamran thanked Turkey for supporting the cause of the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Kashmir.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

18. Turkish President hosts dinner for Zardari, Karzai
Ankara, Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Turkish President Abdullah Gul hosted a dinner for President Asif Ali Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday night at the Cankaya Presidential Palace. President Gul welcomed his Pakistani and Afghan counterparts for attending the Seventh Trilateral Summit, which is aimed at bringing peace, stability and development in the region.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

19. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey determined to intensify cooperation in Afghan-led peace efforts
Ankara, Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey on Wednesday their determination to intensify the cooperation among the three countries in Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace and reconciliation efforts and address the security challenges affecting the region. A joint statement issued, following the Seventh Trilateral Summit called for connectivity among the three brotherly countries, at the level of their people, institutions, infrastructures and economies.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

20. President Zardari attends reception of national day of UAE
Islamabad, Sunday, 2 December 2012
President Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday attended the reception hosted by UAE ambassador Eisa Abdullah on the occasion of 41 National Day of the UAE.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

21. President Zardari receives UAE President on arrival
Bahawalpur, Sunday, 30 December 2012
President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan arrived at Al-Habib Airport Cholistan on Sunday.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

22. President Zardari urges further strengthening of Pakistan-UAE ties
Rahim Yar Khan, Sunday, 30 December 2012
President Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday urged for taking existing strong bilateral ties between Pakistan and the UAE to new heights with focus on trade and commercial relations. Matters pertaining to bilateral relations, ways and means to further enhance mutual cooperation in diverse fields and regional issues were discussed during the meeting with President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the UAE.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

23. Pakistan, Iran fostering cooperation from trade to mega projects
Islamabad, Thursday, 13 December 2012
The cooperation between Pakistan and Iran is on a positive trajectory as the two countries are heading to benefit from the scope of bilateral ties, ranging from cross-border trade to multi-billion mega gas pipeline project. The recent visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Islamabad to participate in the D-8 Summit last month renewed the pledge of the two countries to bolster bilateral trade to new heights.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

24. Pak-Iran gas pipeline to be completed in given time frame: Khar
Islamabad, Thursday, 20 December 2012
Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar on Thursday said that President Asif Ali Zardari would soon visit Iran and gas pipeline project would be completed in given time frame.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

25. Pak-Iran gas pipeline to help meet Pakistan’s energy crisis: Sumsam Bukhari
Islamabad, Monday, 31 December 2012
According to Radio Pakistan, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Syed Sumsam Bukhari said despite international pressure Pakistan has approved the Iran-Pakistan gas pipe line project and it will solve Pakistan’s gas crisis. Under the agreement between Pakistan and Iran, Iran will supply 215 million cubic meter gas daily to Pakistan from 2014.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

26. Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan ink trilateral MoU on economic, commercial cooperation
Ankara, Wednesday, 12 December 2012
A Trilateral Memorandum of Understanding was signed here Wednesday among the governments of Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan to promote and facilitate trade and economic cooperation among the three countries to the mutual interest. The MoU on economic and commercial cooperation, signed during the Seventh Trilateral Summit of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey at Ankara provides for the establishment of Trilateral Trade Council, which will work for promotion of foreign investment, enhancing and diversifying commercial ties and exploring possibilities for cooperation in services sectors among the three countries.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

27. UAE play role for promoting Gawder Port: Fahim
Islamabad, Wednesday, 12 December 2012
The UAE being a commercial hub of Asia and Africa can play role in the promotion of Gawder Port for linking end locked countries like Afghanistan, Central Asia and Western China. This was stated by Minister for Commerce, Makhdoom Amin Fahim in a meeting with Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

28. Pak Navy takes over command of Combined Task Force from Turkish Navy
Islamabad, Thursday, 13 December 2012
Pakistan Navy took over command of Combined Task Force 151 for the third time in a ceremony held on board Turkish Navy ship GEMLIK. Commodore M Hisham of Pakistan Navy took over command from Rear Admiral Oguz Karaman of Turkish Navy.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

29. Turkish government offers four years training scholarships for police officers
Islamabad, Friday, 21 December 2012
Minister of State for Interior Imtiaz Safdar Warraich has said that the National Police Academy, Ankara has offered seven training scholarships annually to Police officers from Pakistan during his stay in Turkey. Pakistan was also offered to become member of International Police Academies Association.
Source: Associated Press of Pakistan


Paulami Sanyal is pursuing research at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.  Email

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